Closing A Position
How to close a position in Option Track.
Last updated
How to close a position in Option Track.
Last updated
Most of your trades will expire worthless, and when this happens you need to go inside Option Track and close your position.
This is the way in which Option Track knows that you're no longer going to be rolling a trade, and that it has expired worthless.
It's important that you close positions that expire worthless, as this is how Option Track will also calculate your net profit or loss in closed positions.
First things first, with your dashboard open, click on the position that you wish to close.
The details of your active position will show up in a popup. You will then be able to mark your trade as expired.
When you mark a call option as expired, you will have the possibility of placing another call option without closing the trade.
Expired call options shouldn't be turned into a closed position. This is due to the nature of still being in control of shares that were assigned to you. We only close positions when we get rid of assigned shares, or when our PUT options expire worthless.
Expired PUT options on the other hand will allow you to simply close your position.